In 2001, fruit of three brothers' hopes and wine knowledge, the project NOS RIQUEZA was born. They spent several years producing, in small quantities and in the winery of some friends, a wine for their personal consumption. Their spirit of self-improvement and the encouragement from those around them motivated them to bring to life a unique project: "Spain´s rich viticultural heritage". NOS RIQUEZA.

Spain overflows with good people and fertile lands that bestow their rich fruits on us. The grape is one of those fruits, a veritable wealth that we, the people who live on the lands of Spain and of the world, possess. It is something we should be proud of.

Here at NOS RIQUEZA we wish to share this pride and make "rich viticultural heritage” available to you – riches that will allow you to savour the products that spring up from the land, from our land … all prepared with the greatest care and dedication for you.

Selection / In-house Production / High Quality

These are the mainstays that sustain the NOS RIQUEZA wine-making, "the same ones we had when we produced wines just for ourselves".
NOS RIQUEZA combines a unique selection of the Spain´s rich viticultural heritage.
We choose the area, we select the grape and we seek the best means so that our team of oenologists can work in complete liberty, letting our wine designers create a "vivid life" surrounding the wine. This allows us to offer you a new wine, full of character – an expressive, unique wine that displays all the riches the land accumulates and the grape from which the wine springs.

These are the beginnings of the range of NOS RIQUEZA wines, which will grow progressively with new incorporations showcasing further riches from Spain.

Thanks to our flexibility, we can produce wines à la carte, meeting each client's preferences and indications. If necessary, we can provide you with the design for a new label, an image and exclusive brands.
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